Where Did Grandpa Go? (Grandpa’s Stories)


Children’s book for age 4-8.
Fall in love with Grandpa, who likes taking long detours instead of sensible shorter ways!
Being able to finish what we start is very important. But we are all different and we each have our own way and pace when comes to the tasks we’re assigned to do. Sometimes, the roads we choose may look endless for others, but practical for those who are actually doing the job.

In this story, there’s a lot of drama when Grandma asks Grandpa to run some errands. What was supposed to be an easy, uncomplicated job of getting some things from local shops turned into adventurous days when Grandpa decided to do them in his own way. But at the end of the day, what really mattered was that Grandpa crossed the finish line and did a good job. “Grandpa’s stories series” are beautifully illustrated kids books for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary school students.


In this tale, Grandma asks her husband to perform four simple errands to purchase ice cream, pizza, soil, and oranges, but in each case, Grandpa causes great anxiety by disappearing. Grandma is frantic. She calls the family, neighbors, hospitals, and police. Ultimately, Grandpa calls from a different destination each time telling her he is unharmed. This book has a unique message. Not all people follow the accepted way of achieving our goals. It is okay to be different.

A really fun way to show your kiddos that people have different ways of doing things, and that everyone works at a different pace. Accompanied by fun illustrations, this would be a wonderful addition to any classroom or household with younger children!

Where Did Grandpa Go? (Grandpa’s Stories)


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