“Hello Teeny Pheeny” by Karen Emma Hall



Karen Emma Hall is a creative new children’s author. Her first series of stories for children debuted in 2014.

Karen combines skills of illustrations and words to draw children into the magic world of stories and reading.

Karen discovered her love of writing a long time ago while reading to children as an auxiliary nurse and a nanny. She helped children in the classroom with their art, and soon decided to put the two together – writing stories with illustrations for children.

Eventually she started working with the elderly, and found that they loved art and painting as well, so her stories are not just for the young but everyone, aged one to one hundred.

Her first series of children’s stories are a little bit magic. They leave readers with that magic feeling after reading them. If you love owls and you love cats, then you are going to adore her fully illustrated books. All the illustrations in the books are hand drawn and painted.

The very first book in the Teeny Pheeny Tales series is very appealing, as it is the introduction of the main characters, Mrs Phoenix and Teeny Pheeny, (Pheeny coming from the word Phoenix) and the owl folk of Boohoo Village. This series brings you teeny bits of teeny magic. The owls are almost living and breathing as they’re very endearing, funny and even a bit grumpy! It’s all about the owls!

Karen has four daughters and two special cats (who turn up in the stories). She is very active on social media, and is very happy to reply to messages in person on twitter, where she also writes her own quotes. You can follow her on google+ facebook and her blog. Karen’s blog is very popular and very amusing and a must read. Karen is currently illustrating more sketches and starting on her next children’s amusing stories about cats… but she can’t give away too much about that just yet!

From Mrs.D:

“Hello Teeny Pheeny” is one of those gripping children’s books that captivates children’s curiosity in a very special way. Who wouldn’t love to spend some time with the mysterious owls leading interesting lives in a magical place named Boohoo Village? Filled with fascinating characters, beaming from the glowing illustrations and intriguing storyline, the story takes young readers on an exciting journey where they will interact with charismatic protagonists like Missy Martin, Mr. Gadgie, Lord Snoots, Mrs. Phoenix, and Teeny Pheeny, with whom children will fall in love the moment they meet.

“Hello Teeny Pheeny” is an adventurous story full of whimsy and magic that enchants and tickles the creative and imaginative minds of young readers. Sweet storyline and charming, simple illustrations make the book a perfect read for children of any age. It combines fantasy, quirkiness, and imagination, which will drive young readers to look forward to reading the next books in this series. The entertainment value in the book is worth more than the book’s price. Highly recommended!

The next book in the Teeny Pheeny tales will be out at the end of April/May 2015, so if you love this first story you will not have long to wait for the follow up.

Watch out for your invitation to a party event on facebook to celebrate the launch of the 4D toy OWL called Teeny Pheeny and see him as a real toy owl and in a book! You can win full goody bag that includes a selection of books and Teeny Pheeny in plush himself, comes with cuddly tim and everlasting hugs~

‘Follow’ said the pied piper, and they did follow:

Twitter @PeachyEmma https://twitter.com/PeachyEmma

Please do not forget to stop by Kid Literature Authors  
  • From Karen: 

    This new community is an amazing way to get the children’s books you write into the hands of children. Many children. ‘Kid Literature’ is where you can find a lot of resources about upcoming events and free book offers and reviews. That is just for starters. Go to our website for an array of information on everything we stand for, and everything we provide. 
    You can be advertised here; On certain days we open the doors to allow posts to page which everyone can see. We can also then share it as the admin, so it is viewed twice! So if you have published or are about to publish a children’s Lit Book then like our page, share our page, and watch out for updates each week about open day promotions. All we ask is if you share this link so other people can see this page, on all social media sites. The more who get to see, the more chance our children’s books actually get into the hands of those we are aiming at! The children. 
    We also review your book and you get a lot for your package. Go to our website for details www.kidliteratureauthors.com

    You can also be one of the team, be a contributor, email us at kidliteratureauthors@yahoo.com for details. 

    KL are Kid Literature!

    The Musketeers of Children’s Authors who help run this facebook page.
    They joined forces to get the word out to the children that we have some great books we want them to see. From bonny picture books, to captivating and enchanting stories that children will want to read again and again.
    What was going to be the 4 Musketeers, turned into a bigger group, as more like minded people wanted to support! You will see us around twitter a lot. Handle for KL twitter is @kidliterature and we have our own hashtag #kidliterature so if you add that into your tweet, it gets picked up and retweeted! How cool and funky is that. 
    So as we start out on a new path together, to help each other, combine our knowledge, and offer you a selection of today’s good reads in children’s books…
    I would like to introduce you to the Musketeers!
    They are:-

    (Karen Emma Hall) Founder and Chief in Admin on all of the social media sites, Facebook;twitter;pinterest;instagram;goodreads;google+ also her own page and artistry to follow https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKarenEmmaHall
    (Steve Conoboy)– Admin Editor
    (Carmela Dutra) Admin
    (Cat Michaels) -Admin 
    (Hilary Hawkes) – Twitter Admin

    (Sue Navas) – Admin content creator
    (Corrina Holyoake)-Content and Artisit spolight creator
    Mrs D – (Olga D’Agostino) content creator

    Carol Aston and Hedgerow Capers-Contributor 
    Geena Bean -Contributor
    Jillcofskyvoice (Jill Cofsky)- Contributor
    Lovable Lobo –Contributor
    Enisca Jones – Contributor
    Naomi Burman Shine – Contributor
    (Jamie Stevens) – Contributor

    Help us along by spreading the word, sharing and liking. Posting to facebook and twitter and other social media sites. Thank you.


    We have open days once or twice a month on a Thursday! Keep your eyes peeled for these. You will see the blackboard go up with the information on, you can post your book straight to our page ans be viewed by many! 
    We do not allow any spam on the facebook page. Also If someone posts their links without asking we will remind them to send us their details only. If they continue to post their links without messaging or emailing then it would just result in deletion. 
    Thank you for keeping this a safe and informative page AND

    Kid Literature team

    Karen Emma Hall

“Hello Teeny Pheeny” by Karen Emma Hall

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